Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Why is gardening good for you

Gardening has many effects on your health, take a look at these many positive effects of gardening and how they could benefit you.

Garden to get stress free 
Working out in nature is peaceful and can be very relaxing. Focussing on gardening allows you to forget about the everyday stresses of life, clear your mind and give you a chance to focus on resolving any troubling issues.

Metal health
Gardening has been shown to improve depression symptoms, as participating in gardening can provoke a more positive mental outlook and improve your overall mood.

Get your source of vitamin D
Working outside in the sun also has its health benefits as it will increase your intake of Vitamin D. Your body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet B rays in the sun. Getting enough vitamin D is important because without it, it can lead to weak bones.

Source of exercise
Gardening enables you to work all major muscle groups, you will gain strength and burn calories.  Gardening can involve lots of stretching and heavy lifting. This all leads to healthier bones and joints, increased flexibility, decreased blood pressure and lowers your risk of diabetes.

Why not start gardening to see the differences it will make to you. 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Gardening in the snow

The UK has had some harsh winter weather over the last week, with severe frosts, snow and freezing temperatures. Anyone brave enough to attempt gardening in these conditions deserves a big pat on the back! Everyone else who feels daunted by the task, don’t panic, there are some things that you can do to help protect your plants from the cold.

Cold weather is damaging to plants because it causes the water in plant cells to freeze, resulting in the damaging of the cell wall. Snow can have its benefits as it acts as a form of insulation, protecting plants from the cold and frost. Unfortunately snow can also be potentially damaging for your garden as heavy snow can weigh down on tree branches, causing them to break.

What to do when it snows

It is important to remove excess snow from branches, trees and hedges to relieve the pressure snow can put in them.

Don’t leave snow on your greenhouses, cold frames or garden sheds as this can cause damage to their structure.

Make sure your conifers and hedges are supported. Use string to avoid branches being pulled out of shape. 

How to minimize damage to your garden

Move plant pots next to a house wall, to keep them warm.
Stay off the lawn, as walking on it while it is frosty will damage the grass.
Don’t mulch when the soil is wet or frozen.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Why you should et gardening

It’s a new year and if you are new to gardening then everything you experience in your garden will seem daunting. Don’t be dismayed, here are a few tips that will keep your spirits up even if nothing seems to be going right.

Things wont always go right
Sometimes gardening doesn’t go to plan and you may not end up with those flourishing rose bushes you dreamt of (well not straight away). Being a good gardener doesn’t come naturally to everyone, you may need some practice before you get it right. Even if you are a green fingered god, you can’t predict the weather and only a real god could make something grow during a flood!

Ask for help          
Don’t struggle along on your own. If you are unsure or want some advice If you are like me, with a neighbour who’s garden is always in full bloom they will be more than happy to help you out. Experienced gardeners are full of knowledge that could take years to gain on your own, so don’t be shy. Asking garden centre staff and online gardening forums is also a good way to get gardening help.

Try something new
So you’ve got the green fingered bug and your garden is sprouting up nicely. You suddenly realise it looks like a daffodil farm because that is all you had the guts to grow. Don’t be afraid, try something new! Your garden is a chance to transform your home to somewhere more exotic. Try a new plant, tree or even growing fruit for something new.

Share your  experiences
Once you’ve gained some knowledge, don’t forget to share it and your experiences in the garden with others. 

The most important thing to remember is to enjoy yourself! Gardening can be truly rewarding, no matter what you plan to grow, seeing the results of your hard work will be the most encouraging reason to carry on gardening year after year.