Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Why is gardening good for you

Gardening has many effects on your health, take a look at these many positive effects of gardening and how they could benefit you.

Garden to get stress free 
Working out in nature is peaceful and can be very relaxing. Focussing on gardening allows you to forget about the everyday stresses of life, clear your mind and give you a chance to focus on resolving any troubling issues.

Metal health
Gardening has been shown to improve depression symptoms, as participating in gardening can provoke a more positive mental outlook and improve your overall mood.

Get your source of vitamin D
Working outside in the sun also has its health benefits as it will increase your intake of Vitamin D. Your body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet B rays in the sun. Getting enough vitamin D is important because without it, it can lead to weak bones.

Source of exercise
Gardening enables you to work all major muscle groups, you will gain strength and burn calories.  Gardening can involve lots of stretching and heavy lifting. This all leads to healthier bones and joints, increased flexibility, decreased blood pressure and lowers your risk of diabetes.

Why not start gardening to see the differences it will make to you. 

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